WISCAT-WI Statewide Catalog
WISCAT-Wisconsin Resource Sharing
Discover books, music, movies, magazines and more in Wisconsin libraries. This service is provided by the Department of Public Instruction, Division for Libraries and Technology using Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds received from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
BadgerLink Resource
BadgerLink databases are available for your research use, including: Business, Health and Medical Databases, Kidsearch, Auto Repair Reference Center, Consumer Health Complete, NoveList, Science and History Reference Centers, and more!
Borrowing From Other Libraries
Request Forms
Let the Library locate the item for you.
Are you trying to locate an item, but it’s not in the Library Catalog? We can help you borrow it from another library. Submit one form per requested item to the Library checkout desk. All forms are in Adobe Acrobat format.
- Is it a book? If you know at least the title and author of the book, please complete the Book Request Form.
- Is it audiovisual material? Use the Audiovisual Request Form to request talking books, movies or musical recordings.
- Is it an article from a periodical or serial publication? The Periodical Request Form will enable staff to locate the specific article for you. Remember to first check Badgerlink or Google for your article!
- Are you researching a subject? Library staff can research and request publications such as books, movies and talking books about your specific subject. Complete the Subject Request Form with as many details as possible to ensure a timely response.
Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Search On Your Own
Some patrons enjoy browsing the online catalogs, looking for items by specific authors, performers or a favorite subject. Following these steps will increase the likelihood of obtaining the items you desire to borrow.
- Search Verso first. Items owned by the Dodgeville Public Library or other libraries in the Southwest Wisconsin Library System can be requested directly through the Library Catalog (called Verso) by selecting “Reserve This Item” and entering the patron’s 14-digit library card number and password. Follow the screen directions to request the item, making sure you select the Dodgeville Public Library for your pickup location.
- Search WISCAT second. The WISCAT library catalog is a statewide library database. It is not necessary to login to search WISCAT. When you find the item you want to borrow, print the first page of the WISCAT record for the item. Write your name, telephone number and library card number on the top of the page before submitting it to the Library. Or, you can print and complete an item request form using the above links.
- Search WorldCat third. WorldCat is a worldwide catalog of library content. When you find the item you want to borrow, print the first page of the item record found on WorldCat. Write your name, telephone number and library card number on the top of the page before submitting it to the Library. Or, you can print and complete an item request form using the above links.
- Still can’t locate the item? The last resort is to print a record of the item from any web site or vendor where you’ve seen it. Providing the web site address will enable staff to research the item more extensively. Write your name, telephone number and library card number on the top of the page before submitting it to the Library.
Tips for Borrowing from Other Libraries
As you search the online catalogs and find a title that you want to request, there are a few points that you will want to consider. (Click here for more information).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Resource and Database Search
Searchable web resources and databases for patron use.
Resources for Sharing and Lifelong Learning is our clearinghouse for statewide interlibrary loan. The RS&LL website is full of great resources. Visit their page! Also, take a look at these FREE Open Access Resources.
Consumer Reports is now available online through EBSCOhost. EBSCO Publishing/EBSCOhost is the registered trademark of EBSCO Publishing. Are you a school and trying to use Consumer Reports? Use this link.
Transparent Language Online is one of the world’s leading language programs with more than 100 languages and clear learning paths. The program is also available as an app, so you can learn on the go. Clear learning path and structure. Excellent speech analysis. Appropriately challenging.
Learn about world cities or plan your next trip at AtoZ World Travel. World city travel guides and world travel resources provide travel essentials, city views, attractions, maps, culture, shopping and cuisine.
TeachingBooks is a diverse and constantly growing online collection of author programs and K-12 book-related materials. Includes original movies revealing book creation processes (filmed in the studios of award-winning authors and illustrators!), audio excerpts of professional book readings and book guides which span thousands of children’s, young adult and non-fiction titles. Available online, anytime, from school, home or your library.
Recollection Wisconsin is an expanding digital collection featuring thousands of historic photos, postcards, maps, letters, diaries, books, artifacts, oral histories and other digital collections from dozens of Wisconsin libraries, archives, museums and historical societies. Users can search across all content, browse sub-collections based on subject categories and types of material, or explore a map of content contributors.
Fantastic Fiction is a great source for locating the next title in a series, your favorite author’s newest book or more information on an author. This easy to use online database contains bibliographies for over 10,000 authors and information on over 200,000 books. Fantastic Fiction is available free via the internet.
College and Career Handbook Resources
College Resources are located in Adult Non-Fiction at 378.3 with Career Resources at 331.7
Two-Year Colleges
A guide to over 1,700 two-year colleges provides students with school profiles focusing on academics, majors, tuition, application requirements, and student life, with a state-by-state comparison chart.

Four-Year Colleges
Peterson’s® Four-Year Colleges 2019 is a valuable resource that includes information on every accredited four-year undergraduate institution in the U.S. and Canada, more than 2,500 institutions in all. It also includes detailed two-page descriptions written by admissions personnel for over 140 colleges and universities. College-bound students and their parents can access details including campus setting, enrollment, academic programs, entrance difficulty, expenses, student-faculty ratio, application deadline, and contact information, as well as the most frequently chosen baccalaureate fields.

The Complete Book of Colleges 2020
The mega-guide to 1,359 colleges and universities! Kick off your college search with this comprehensive guidebook to public and private schools, offering profiles with crucial info on admissions, academics, financial aid, and more!
No one knows colleges better than The Princeton Review! Inside The Complete Book of Colleges, 2020 Edition, you’ll find meticulously researched information that will help you narrow the search for the best college for you. Each of the 1,359 user-friendly profiles answers a variety of questions.