Public Access Computers
Fourteen internet computers are available for public use at the Dodgeville Public Library. Patrons agree to follow the Library’s policies and Wisconsin law regarding content viewing. Internet Use Policy
- Internet computers are available for public use for a maximum of 1 hour each day. Patrons can sign up once each day to use the internet. The internet computers also have Microsoft Office 2010, OpenOffice, and genealogical database access.
- Juvenile patrons under the age of 18 must present their library card with a computer access sticker before using the internet. Computer access stickers are obtained at the checkout desk.
Two word processing computers provide patrons with access to Microsoft Office 2010 without internet access. There is no time limit for word processing computer use.
Printers are available and patrons are expected to pay for all pages printed. Black and white pages are 15 cents and color pages are 30 cents.
Two children’s computers are available for educational games without internet access. Children sign up on the clipboard at the children’s computer.
Headphones with volume controls are available at the checkout desk. Patrons may choose to use their own headphones.
Wireless Internet Access
The Library’s wireless access point is available to Library patrons at no cost. Patrons can connect to the signal and work in comfort and privacy in the study carrels. Carrels are equipped with power strips for electrical access.
The wireless signal is NOT SECURE. Patrons agree to follow the Library’s wireless policy when connecting to the signal.
Please be courteous while using your laptop in the Library:
- Patrons agree to limit the size of file downloads.
- Turn off your external speakers and use headphones.
- Turn off your cell phone while inside the Library.
- View web sites that conform to Wisconsin statutes for decency.
Helpful Computer Resources
Visit these suggested links to gain skills with the computer. There are more links on our Links for Seniors page.